Monday, July 28, 2008

Another Game Site?

Yeah. Lame. I know. That said, here's a bit about who I am and why I'm doing this. I'm a twenty-something male in the United States who enjoys playing, talking, and writing about video games. While I do keep other blogs, I figured it'd be easier to just create a new one dedicated to this hobby rather than to wedge it into a more generic "this is my life" blog. It may not be professional work, but hopefully someone out there will enjoy it.

So what systems will I cover? Well, I own all three current-gen systems, but honestly only my 360 gets constant use as the Wii is full of shovelware and the PS3 is essentially a really expensive 360 with a shitty online system and Blu-Ray. There might also be the odd PC review down the pike and I have a DS kicking around here somewhere that I haven't used in months. Before the Nintendo and Sony fanboys all start crucifying me let me make one thing clear: I don't hate your consoles - instead I hate their current status, selection, and implementation.

When it comes to reviews, I don't give games scores as I'm confident that it's impossible to distill a game's experience and appeal into a numerical format. You'll just have to live with only having words to base your decisions on.